(English) Call for Project Proposals under New EaP CSF Regranting Scheme
The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) Secretariat is launching a Call for Proposals to sub-grant projects with an Eastern Partnership regional dimension that will contribute to achieving the mission and objectives of the EaP CSF. This call aims to support the work of the five thematic Working Groups of the EaP CSF. The Call for Re-granting Proposals 2015 – Guide for Applicants describes the priorities for each Working Group and the application process.
Applicants are encouraged to develop proposals that can serve as capacity building or lobby tools over a longer period of time. They should contribute to advancing reforms in the EaP countries, and they should include suggestions for follow-up actions with results that can be used by the EaP CSF and its National Platforms. The projects proposals should particularly focus on connecting the envisaged activities with the interests and needs of the wider public, falling under the priorities as defined in the guide.
Any project funded through this Call for Proposals should cover at least three EaP countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) with the aim of developing results with a regional perspective. A project proposal template and budget template are available for potential applicant organisations to make the application process more convenient.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 10 May 2015.
Annex I – Project proposal template